History of the manor Kleinvach
The manor in its present form was founded in 1596 when the von Hombergk family built the estate house.
In 1297 Kleinvach “Vach” was first mentioned in a document when the borders between the Dominican monasteries of Eisenach, Mühlhausen and Göttingen were determined.
It was on January 9, 1596, when Dr. Tobias Hombergk, a native of Homberg in Lower Hesse, the former teacher of the Landgrave of Hesse-Kassel, Moritz the Scholar, as a reward for his faithful services, which he had fulfilled and was still to fulfill as the landgrave’s councillor, was enfeoffed with the village to which the landgrave was entitled and the house “Vacha” near Allendorf. After the extinction of the lords of Netra in 1558, the fiefdom had fallen back to the landgraves.